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Calling on a Global Sisterhood

Here is the meaning of Women’s Day to me.

For me, Women’s Day is a strong reminder of the many African female giants on whose shoulders we stand and whose courage and sacrifice bore the fruits of freedom we now have the privilege of enjoying. Our history is rich with so many examples of these She-roes and their stories continue to be a source of inspiration that renews my energy, drive and “Why”.

The year 2020 has called for renewed levels of courage. Going through a global health and economic pandemic has been tough enough. Yet on top of that we continue to be faced with story after story of Gender-Based Violence and racial and gender inequality that can be truly distressing. Women’s Day however is a reminder of the collective impact that women can have when we stand together, as a sisterhood, in tough times.

Over the last few days, I have been reacquainting myself with some of the amazing modern day She-roes who have shaped and continue to shape the current discourse and from whom we can draw inspiration and courage. Sisterhood means taking the lived experiences of those who pioneered the way for us and building on that momentum for ourselves and our daughters. It also means raising sons who understand the value of women and what it means to be allies for equality. This year is calling for a renewed level of global sisterhood to shape the world we want to see.

As with most great movements, sisterhood starts with you. This means recognizing the she-ro in ourselves FIRST every single day. Sisterhood is a practice that starts with a belief in ourselves and our own value first. This journey within, to uncover what the best version of ourselves looks like, is one of the most important journeys we can take as women and will mean different things for different people. For some it may mean education, for others it may mean financial, family, or physical wellbeing etc. Whatever it means for you, mapping this journey out is both important and extremely rewarding as one cannot pour from an empty cup. Being wholesome and fulfilled ourselves first, enables us to then be able to show up for others in the best possible way and is our segway into a global sisterhood where our impact can be boundless.

Today, I want to encourage you to embrace the She-ro within. Whether that means pitching that investment idea, applying for that degree, or getting your driver’s license – Go for it. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Today, dip your toe into the vast ocean of possibility, believing you will win or you will learn and that the global sisterhood will be made stronger by you having gone for it!

Happy Women’s Day my sisters.


Lelemba Phiri

Enygma Ventures Operating Partner & Fund Manager


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